Cathy Manolios
General Counsel, Head of Corporate Governance, Australia and New Zealand
Cathy leads the Legal, Compliance, Regulatory Affairs and Company Secretarial functions, as well as acting as company secretary to several internal boards. Cathy leads a team which provides professional, independent and strategic advice throughout the business. She is passionate about upholding a strong Corporate Governance culture which helps each business unit achieve its commercial goals and adds value to the Zurich Group.
Cathy joined Zurich in 2002 and has more than 20 years experience in the financial services sector. She is a strong contributor to the legal profession and the insurance industry, having co-authored a text on Life Insurance in Australia between 1994 – 2000.
In 2008 she won the Institute of Company Secretaries Governance Professional of the Year Award. She holds a BA, LLB, LLM, FAICD.