Rewild your Life

Supporting nature today, to make tomorrow more resilient 

In many ways, nature does lots of things better than we ever could. What is empowering to know is that there are things we can all do to prioritise natural solutions for our global environmental challenges. Rewilding is another powerful way to support nature, in which companies, like humans, can also take an active role in preserving our planet. At Zurich, we believe that by supporting nature today, we can make tomorrow more resilient. Get inspired by Zurich’s rewilding actions and discover how you can actively support nature and rewild your life with useful everyday tips.

The power of the butterfly effect

Content created by National Geographic CreativeWorks

Zurich is working with National Geographic CreativeWorks to create content that explores the concept of how small, yet mighty actions of rewilding can collectively bring about substantial change.

By looking at various examples of “butterfly effects”, we can see how individuals can make a positive impact in the preservation of our planet.

The first “butterfly effect” example starts with the simple act of planting a dandelion in a garden in Germany, illustrating how this seemingly small gesture can hold back floods in Malaysia. Another example is how Zurich Insurance, together with Instituto Terra, is actively supporting the planting of new seedlings – leading to increased wildlife populations and new employment opportunities for local communities.

“How a dandelion holds back a flood’’

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Benefits of rewilding in everyday life

To inspire and demonstrate how single acts of rewilding can have a positive impact even in our everyday lives, we invite you to Go Wild and explore how you can create your own “butterfly effect” for your wellbeing.

Rewild yourself

Six ways to rewild your life and support nature

Rewilding benefits your garden’s soil and ecosystem, and the insects, birds and animals that depend on it. Here are some tips to help nature take care of itself.

1. Cut back on the mowing

If you cut your lawn every week, try mowing it once a month or less. Constant mowing stops flowers from blooming and affects insects and birds that seek shelter and food.

2. Let the weeds grow

If you want to rewild your garden, leave those nettles and thistles alone. Allowing weeds and wildflowers to grow provides a habitat for beneficial insects and pollinators.

3. Stop using chemicals

Avoid synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, and weedkillers. Healthy soil teems with microscopic fungi, bacteria and insects. When you stop using chemicals, these organisms can thrive.

4. Let it be

If left to rot, piles of wood and leaves offer a habitat for birds, invertebrates, small mammals, moss, and fungi. They provide a source of compost and prevent the soil from drying out.

5. Make a home for wildlife

Attract different bird species with feeders, boxes, and a bird bath. Log piles or rocks, bug hotels and piles of sticks provide shelters for insects.

6. Connect the plots

Eliminate barriers so that small mammals can roam widely in search of food and mates. Cutting small holes in fences and walls helps them move freely and safely.

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Discover the ZurichForest Project

Working with Instituto Terra, a Brazil-based non-profit, Zurich is helping bring back to life a part of one of the greatest forests on earth.

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Learn about Zurich’s sustainability framework

Sustainability is key to Zurich’s long-term success and our ambition is to be one of the most responsible and impactful businesses in the world. As we continue our sustainability journey, we want to target three focus areas: Planet, Customers and People. We will continue to use the levers we have as a global insurer to make a positive impact in the world.

These three focus areas are intertwined. Innovative underwriting and claims solutions offer positive results for customers that can also benefit people and the planet. Through responsible investment, we can grow the positive impact of our invested assets. Strategic community investment by the *Z Zurich Foundation helps build a brighter future for the most vulnerable.

We will continue to use technology, innovation, learning, partnerships, and governance to bring this to life. Every part of Zurich has a role to play.

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*The Z Zurich Foundation is a Swiss-based charitable foundation established by members of the Zurich Insurance Group. It is the main vehicle by which Zurich Insurance Group delivers on its global community investment strategy.

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